The Great Mauryan Empire, stretching from the natural boundaries of Himalayas, to the east into Assam, to the west into Balochistan (Southwest Pakistan & Southeast Iran) and the Hindukush region of Afghanistan, is considered to be one of the most popular and celebrated empire which ruled the Indian Sub-Continent between 322 to 187 BC.
-Rohit Tiwari
Every individual who has ever dealt or scanned through the pages of Indian Ancient History, will be familiar with the names of Chandragupta Maurya (Founder of Mauryan Empire) and Acharya Chanakya / Kautilya (Author of Arthashastra).
As we read through the pre-Mauryan and early-Mauryan history, it is fascinating to come across various events that led to the establishment of this great empire. Events like Chanakya's first encounter with Changragupta, Chandragupta's training at Taxila University, Dhana-Nanda's fall, Establishment of Mauryan Empire provides enormous amount of window to understand political, educational and economical conditions prevailing during that era.
Many may not be aware of the fact that the Mauryan Dynasty established by Chandragupta never emphasized on forcing one's "religion" or "way of life" on others. During the Mauryan Empire, every individual including the royals had freedom to choose their religion of choice. This is evident from the fact that Chandragupta - a Hindu (Sanatana Dharma) later became a Jain, his son Bindusara preached and followed Ajavikaism (Heterodox or Nastika branch of philosophy), his grandson the Great Ashoka (initially an atheist) adopted Buddhism.
This attribute where one was allowed to choose his/her way of life, religion, philosophy etc was the most strongest pillar on which the Mauryan Empire ruled and thrived.
As we read through the pre-Mauryan and early-Mauryan history, it is fascinating to come across various events that led to the establishment of this great empire. Events like Chanakya's first encounter with Changragupta, Chandragupta's training at Taxila University, Dhana-Nanda's fall, Establishment of Mauryan Empire provides enormous amount of window to understand political, educational and economical conditions prevailing during that era.
Many may not be aware of the fact that the Mauryan Dynasty established by Chandragupta never emphasized on forcing one's "religion" or "way of life" on others. During the Mauryan Empire, every individual including the royals had freedom to choose their religion of choice. This is evident from the fact that Chandragupta - a Hindu (Sanatana Dharma) later became a Jain, his son Bindusara preached and followed Ajavikaism (Heterodox or Nastika branch of philosophy), his grandson the Great Ashoka (initially an atheist) adopted Buddhism.
This attribute where one was allowed to choose his/her way of life, religion, philosophy etc was the most strongest pillar on which the Mauryan Empire ruled and thrived.
-Rohit Tiwari
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