Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I think there is an unseen earthquake in the Bell Curve!!

Reading the title of this post, I am dead sure that majority of you may be thinking as to what this slim and weird guy means by "BELL CURVE"?. For those of you who are not the student of Marketing, I will take excuse from the ones who knows marketing and would cover up the next few lines of this post with the definition and history of Bell Curve and its resemblance to Marketing.

Everette Rogers  , professor of rural sociology, explains in his famous book "Diffusion of Innvoations" about how the purchasing psychology of individual vary from person to person. He says that there are 5 types of categories into which these individual patterns can be captured and segregated, 
1. Innovators,
2. Early Adopters,
3. Early Majority,
4. Late Majority and 
5. Laggards.

These categories are shown in the picture just beside. This is based on a concept of Mathematics called "BELL CURVE".

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Brands and Bands - The Hyper Sonic Marketing...

As any other Indian citizen I have been brought up watching movies and TV serials which are filled with variety of songs. As a kid I used to enjoy the jingles and anthems that used to be a part of the advertisements which used to flash after every few minutes of a program. In fact I was so crazy about those jingles and anthems that I set the britania biscuits tone which syncs as "tin tin tidin" as my message alert tone for my first mobile phone. One day while I was going through the Brand Equity News paper, I heard about a branch of Marketing named "Sonic Marketing/Branding". Sonic Marketing refers to Marketing your brand with a musical feel. For example : Airtel tone, Nokia mobile tone, Britania's tin tin titin, Titan watch tone etc and etc. But today I find the concept of Sonic Marketing taking a curve into something which can be termed as Hyper Sonic Marketing. Brands have always been using jingles and music but suddenly they are extending their engagement levels with music to a new highs.