I had a great Sunday this weekend followed by an equally great Monday. In fact, if one connects the dots of what happens in his/her daily life, then every experience becomes a great one. Let me tell us the reason for keeping the title of today’s post as “I am a Human and I am a Globalist”. A few hours back, I was watching one of a master piece of bollywood industry titled “My name is Khan” in which the legendary Shahrukh Khan says: ‘my name is Khan and I am not a terrorist’. So that’s what gave me an idea of keeping this title.
As mentioned in the very first sentence of this post, that Sunday was followed by an equally good Monday; is because the Sunday Evening was spent on reading about few articles from here and there on the Global Trade & Business and on Monday I found myself bombarded with questions by few of my peers on the same topic. This is where I say we have to connect the dots in this precious life and understand that life is beautiful.
Actually on Monday, one of my friends had gone for an interview at a very famos financial institution and the question asked to him was “What’s your take on the Global Trade and how can Marketers influence the Global Trade?”
After the interview my friend called me and we discussed about the interview he had (we always do discuss this sought of things as we belong to the same brand of B-school “Auroras”). My friend had just completed his PGDM with Finance as specialization and I was amazed that he was the only one in that interview who was appreciated for a perfect answer to the question asked by the interviewer out of the herds of students from different B-schools in the city.
On discussing with him I found that my friend answered the question in two sentences: “Dear Sir, We are in the age where there is nothing called Local or Global, we have gone far away from it and we are in the world which is GLOCAL (Global +Local). So everyone whether it is a Marketer, politician, diplomat or a lay man, everyone has to have a GLOCAL vision and every one influences the World around”
After the discussion, I was drilling upon the deep unutilized resources in my brain and was trying to connect the dots between what I have been studying throughout my life during my schooling to graduation to post graduation. My friends answer was one of the best one I ever heard from him and to my surprise he said that he read about it on my blog and my notes on various sites and modified it while answering.
Then I started thinking that: is it enough to have a specialization in one subject in today’s world and look at the world from Finance angle if you are a finance expert, marketing angle if you are a marketing expert, political angel if you are a politician and so on?
The answer for this would be a straight NO. Every one, has to be a Glocalist today and that should be a school of thought for everyone in today’s age of new wave technology. That means a person today should not be just realist – who looks at the world from the angle of poser and geopolitical advantage; should not be just an environmentalist – who looks at the world from the prism of environment and measures to save it; should not be just a technologists – who believs that they are the founder of the modern world; should not be just a financial analyst or a marketer or a business man. Today we need people to be GLOCALIST – who are globally empowered even though their base is Local. That is one who understands the different views of global trade even though they is located in their local geographical location.
And what do we do to become a GLOCALIST? The answer is simple; we have to become a GENERALIST. A Jack of all trades is what is required by any industry today. And to create this generalist, the responsibility lies upon the universities and the educational institutions. The dominant trends within Universities and the think tanks is ever – narrower specializations and that’s what is requires to change drastically to create a new set of individuals who can be termed as GLOCAL.
Rohit Tiwari