GO India, Shake the World....
15th August, just another national holiday for some... A day to be proud and revel and bring out the patriotism for others... This Independence Day, let’s not shy away from saying out loud and wishing others a "happy independence day” or merely laughing when someone wishes u in turn... lets stand up tall and wish everyone... and salute proudly to the fluttering tri color. Here’s something to remember by for the day...
The year1947 saw the birth of a new India. It’s been so long since that August in 1947. What a great and tumultuous time it was. We today far away from the epicenter of all the actions which had happened 63 years ago in our country are not really touched the way we should be . During that period news did trickle down though, and we did hear about the unrest, riots, Gandhiji’s fast and many more.
AS early as June 1947, the viceroy has announced that the British Indian Empire would be partitioned into nations of India and Pakistan. This announcement sent a chill down every Indian’s spines. Every Indian wondered how we would function with a portion of a country cut off. Of course most of us were upset. But that was before we realized that everything around us was changing. Eventually we ourselves were changing. But today we have proved the world what we are. We are the best of the best and we can do anything what other powerful and advanced nations can do.
I would like to divert your mind to the speech Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru ji had given at the midnight of 14th August, 1947. He said “Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially”. He went on to say “Freedom and power bring responsibility. The responsibility rests upon the Assembly, a sovereign body representing the sovereign people of India”.
A touching, inspiring speech that infused in every Indian a feeling of hope for the future of the country.
With great respect to what our beloved Nehruji has once said I would like to note it down that: Today we are cursing the ministers and politicians for many things but did we ever ask over selves who are the one who brings such politicians to the assembly and provide them chairs. The answer would be one word “WE”.
Unless we provide a chance for a person to enter our house and encourage him to do nonsense with our family member, no one will dare to do it. Likely unless we provide a chance to such people who are not capable of being ministers they can never become ministers. So I would say a word I always hear in an Ad of Tata tea “Jaago India”. Hope this word clicks our mind and next time instead of blaming others we start cross checking over selves and the reason for the faults in politicians, policeman, government officials etc.
Dear Friends it has taken more than 2 centuries and more than a billion lives to bring India to what it is today. So please try to contribute whatever you can socially, morally, monetarily or in any other form for its development. It’s our country and we are responsible for its development and as well as its downfall. So from today “stop blaming and start working”. Work for your country as you work for yourself and your family.
Lastly I would like to quote what Gandhi ji has once said “In a gentle way you can shake the world”
Go India, Shake the world…..
The year1947 saw the birth of a new India. It’s been so long since that August in 1947. What a great and tumultuous time it was. We today far away from the epicenter of all the actions which had happened 63 years ago in our country are not really touched the way we should be . During that period news did trickle down though, and we did hear about the unrest, riots, Gandhiji’s fast and many more.
AS early as June 1947, the viceroy has announced that the British Indian Empire would be partitioned into nations of India and Pakistan. This announcement sent a chill down every Indian’s spines. Every Indian wondered how we would function with a portion of a country cut off. Of course most of us were upset. But that was before we realized that everything around us was changing. Eventually we ourselves were changing. But today we have proved the world what we are. We are the best of the best and we can do anything what other powerful and advanced nations can do.
I would like to divert your mind to the speech Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru ji had given at the midnight of 14th August, 1947. He said “Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially”. He went on to say “Freedom and power bring responsibility. The responsibility rests upon the Assembly, a sovereign body representing the sovereign people of India”.
A touching, inspiring speech that infused in every Indian a feeling of hope for the future of the country.
With great respect to what our beloved Nehruji has once said I would like to note it down that: Today we are cursing the ministers and politicians for many things but did we ever ask over selves who are the one who brings such politicians to the assembly and provide them chairs. The answer would be one word “WE”.
Unless we provide a chance for a person to enter our house and encourage him to do nonsense with our family member, no one will dare to do it. Likely unless we provide a chance to such people who are not capable of being ministers they can never become ministers. So I would say a word I always hear in an Ad of Tata tea “Jaago India”. Hope this word clicks our mind and next time instead of blaming others we start cross checking over selves and the reason for the faults in politicians, policeman, government officials etc.
Dear Friends it has taken more than 2 centuries and more than a billion lives to bring India to what it is today. So please try to contribute whatever you can socially, morally, monetarily or in any other form for its development. It’s our country and we are responsible for its development and as well as its downfall. So from today “stop blaming and start working”. Work for your country as you work for yourself and your family.
Lastly I would like to quote what Gandhi ji has once said “In a gentle way you can shake the world”
Go India, Shake the world…..